Min Shi, Peng Peng, Peng Peng, Xu Zhou, Jiayu Liu, Guoqing Xiao, Kenli Li.
Connectivity-Oriented Property Graph Partitioning for Distributed Graph Pattern Query Processing. SIGMOD ,2025(CCF A)
Peng Peng,Shengyi Ji, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Ozsu; Minimum Motif-Cut: A Workload-Aware RDF Graph Partitioning Strategy. VLDB J ,2024(CCF A)
Mingdao Li, Peng Peng,Zheyuan Hu, Lei Zou, Zheng Qin. Variable-length Path Query Evaluation based on Worst-Case Optimal Joins. ICDE ,2024(CCF A)
Peng Peng,Shengyi Ji, Zhen Tian, Hongbo Jiang, Weiguo Zheng, Xuecang Zhang. Locality Sensitive Hashing for Optimizing Subgraph Query Processing in Parallel Computing Systems. KDD ,2023(CCF A)
Mengyuan Wang; Hongbo Jiang, Peng Peng,Youhuan Li.Accurately Estimating Frequencies of Relations With Relation Privacy Preserving in Decentralized Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing ,2023(CCF A)
Shengyi Ji, Peng Peng, Jian Hu, Lei Zou, Zhen Huang, Zheng Qin. PEG: A Partial Evaluation-based Distributed RDF Graph System. DASFAA ,2023(CCF B)
Ningchao Ge, Zheng Qin, Peng Peng, Mingdao Li, Lei Zou, Keqin Li.A Cost-Driven Top-K Queries Optimization Approach on Federated RDF Systems. IEEE TBD,2023(CCF C)
Mingdao Li,Peng Peng, Zhen Tian, Zheng Qin, Zheng Huang, Yi Liu . Optimizing Keyword Search Over Federated RDF Systems. IEEE TBD,2023 (CCF C)
Peng Peng, M. Tamer Özsu, Lei Zou, Cen Yan, Chengjun Liu. MPC: Minimum Property-Cut RDF Graph Partitioning. ICDE, 2022(CCF A)
Yuejia Zhang, Weiguo Zheng, Zhijie Zhang, Peng Peng, Xuecang Zhang. Hybrid Subgraph Matching Framework Powered by Sketch Tree for Distributed Systems. ICDE, 2022(CCF A)
Tongfeng Weng, Xu Zhou, Kenli Li, Peng Peng, Keqin Li. Efficient Distributed Approaches to Core Maintenance on Large Dynamic Graphs. TPDS, 2022(CCF A)
Peiying Lin, Siyang Yu, Xu Zhou, Peng Peng, Kenli Li, Xiangke Liao.Community search over large semantic-based attribute graphs. World Wide Web Journal, 2022(CCF B)
Peng Peng, Qi Ge, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu, Zhiwei Xu, Dongyan Zhao. Optimizing Multi-Query Evaluation in Federated RDF Systems. TKDE, 2021(CCF A)
Jiewei Gu, Weiguo Zheng, Yuzheng Cai,Peng Peng. Towards Computing A Near-Maximum Weighted Independent Set on Massive Graphs. SIGKDD, 2021(CCF A)
Wensheng Luo, Xu Zhou, Jianye Yang, Peng Peng, Guoqing Xiao, Yunjun Gao. Efficient Approaches to Top-r Influential Community Search. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021(SCI)
Ningchao Ge, Zheng Qin, Peng Peng, Lei Zou. FedTopK: Top-K Queries Optimization over Federated RDF Systems. DASFAA, 2021(CCF B)
Wenjie Li, Lei Zou, Peng Peng, Zheng Qin.NREngine: A Graph-Based Query Engine for Network Reachability. DASFAA, 2021(CCF B)
Ningchao Ge, Peng Peng, Zheng Qin, Mingdao Li.FedAggs: Optimizing Aggregate Queries Evaluation in Federated RDF Systems. WISE , 2021(CCF C)
Qing Wang,Peng Peng, Tianyao Tong, Zhen Tian, Zheng Qin. Keyword Search over Federated RDF Systems. DASFAA, 2020(CCF B)
Weiguo Zheng, Jiewei Gu, Peng Peng, Jeffrey Xu Yu. Efficient Weighted Independent Set Computation over Large Graphs. ICDE, 2020(CCF A)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Lei Chen, Dongyan Zhao. Adaptive Distributed RDF Graph Fragmentation and Allocation based on Query Workload. TKDE, 2019(CCF A)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Runyu Guan. Accelerating Partial Evaluation in Distributed SPARQL Query Evaluation. ICDE, 2019(CCF A)
Qi Ge,Peng Peng, Zhiwei Xu, Lei Zou, Zheng Qin. FMQO: A Federated RDF System Supporting Multi-query Optimization. APWeb-WAIM, 2019 (CCF C, Best Demo Award)
Mingdao Li, Peng Peng, Yang Xu, Hao Xia, Zheng Qin. Distributed Landmark Selection for Lower Bound Estimation of Distances in Large Graphs. APWeb-WAIM, 2019(CCF C)
Peng Peng. Distributed Query Evaluation over Large RDF Graphs. APWeb-WAIM Workshops, 2019(CCF C)
Wenjie Li, Peng Peng, Zheng Qin, Lei Zou. NRGQP: A Graph-Based Query Platform for Network Reachability. WISE Workshops, 2019 (CCF C)
Xiaowang Zhang, Mingyue Zhang,Peng Peng, Jiaming Song, Zhiyong Feng, Lei Zou. A Scalable Sparse Matrix-Based Join for SPARQL Query Processing. DASFAA, 2019 (CCF B)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu, Dongyan Zhao. Multi-query Optimization in Federated RDF Systems. DASFAA, 2018(CCF B, Best Paper Award)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Zhenqin Du, Dongyan Zhao. Using partial evaluation in holistic subgraph search. Frontiers Comput. Sci.,2018(CCF C)
Jiaming Song, Xiaowang Zhang, Peng Peng, Zhiyong Feng, Lei Zou. MapSQ: A Plugin-based MapReduce Framework for SPARQL Queries on GPU. WWW (Companion Volume), 2018(CCF A)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Zheng Qin. Answering top-K query combined keywords and structural queries on RDF graphs. Inf. Syst., 2017(CCF B)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, M. Tamer Özsu, Lei Chen, Dongyan Zhao. Processing SPARQL queries over distributed RDF graphs. VLDB J., 2016(CCF A)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Lei Chen, Xuemin Lin, Dongyan Zhao. Answering subgraph queries over massive disk resident graphs. World Wide Web Journal, 2016(CCF B)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Lei Chen, Dongyan Zhao. Query Workload-based RDF Graph Fragmentation and Allocation. EDBT, 2016 (CCF B)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Dongyan Zhao. On the Marriage of SPARQL and Keywords. APWeb, 2015(CCF C)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Dong Wang, Dongyan Zhao. Holistic Subgraph Search over Large Graphs. WAIM, 2014(CCF C)
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Lei Chen, Xuemin Lin, Dongyan Zhao. Subgraph Search over Massive Disk Resident Graphs. SSDBM, 2011 (CCF C)
Lei Zou, Peng Peng, Dongyan Zhao. Top-K Possible Shortest Path Query over a Large Uncertain Graph. WISE, 2011(CCF C)