Deploy the front end

  1. Clone the front-end file from github and open it through vscode or webStorm.
  2. Cross-domain development environment: modify the target in the proxy in the vue.config.js file to modify the server address and port of the back-end deployment.
  3. Run npm run build:prod to package the files into the dist folder.
  4. Put the folder in any location on the server.
  5. Cross-domain deployment environment: Use nginx reverse proxy to complete cross-domain.
  6. Modify the root in location / to the path where dist is located.
  7. Modify the proxy_pass in location /api/ and modify it to the server address and port of the back-end deployment.
  8. Just visit the deployed address and port number

Deploy the back end


g++8.4.1, -std=c++17

The metis executable and antlr library have been installed in the project. If you cannot use them, please install them yourself.

Compile the project

Create a new folder called build, then get into this folder and use cmake to compile.

Configure the servers

Edit conf/servers.json

In Sites, add site objects::

Note: To ensure the normal running of the program, PEG needs to log in to the site configured above without password and the gStore http service has been started.
To start gStore http service, firstly get into gStore root path, then run ./bin/ghttp port_num.

How to run

In the project directory: